medical schools council

Visiting student electives

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Medical schools vary as to whether they host electives for visiting students, including international students. The arrangement of an elective is handled directly by the individual medical school. Costs and entry requirements can be found on medical school websites

International students will also need to apply for a visa, often a Short Term Study Visa and would be expected to return to the country of their study upon completion of the elective. Find out which type of visa you need here. You may also be asked to provide evidence of an acceptable level of English qualification. 

I am a medical student from outside of the UK. Can I apply to a hospital placement or elective instead of a medical school?

Due to visa requirements in the UK, electives in hospitals tend to require the sponsorship of a ‘Highly Trusted Sponsor’ which is very difficult to get on a student visa and more suited to graduated doctors. This means that a university/medical school may instead be a more appropriate destination for an elective.