medical schools council

INReSH is the International Network for Researchers in Selection into Healthcare. It was established in 2014 by the Medical Schools Council and the Association for the Study of Medical Education. The network meets every year, typically alongside an international conference in healthcare selection.

Meetings focus on the way in which strategic and societal challenges shape selection practices, and how this in turn determines avenues of future research.

Topics for discussion, analysis and learning within INReSH include:

  • New approaches to selection system design
  • Developments in selection methods
  • Applications of new technology in selection and admissions
  • Fairness, widening access and group differences in recruitment and selection
  • Approaches to psychometric evaluations and methods
  • Applicant and stakeholder perspectives in selection and admissions
  • Research findings from longitudinal validation studies and implications for policy and best practice

Previous meetings

  • London 2014 Values-based recruitment, predictive validity of selection methods, widening participation, and theoretical developments in selection. The programme is available to download here.
  • Vancouver 2015 Differential attainment, non-academic attributes, and the validity and quality of selection methods.
  • Perth 2016 Widening access and diversity, coaching effects in selection, and selection system design.
  • Helsinki 2017 The political landscape and stakeholder acceptance issues that influence selection, design of selection systems and implications for weighting and sequencing of selection methods, theory development to inform widening access in selection practices
  • Basel 2018 Themes included the influence of politics and culture in shaping selection practices, and how technology might transform the design and delivery of interviews in the future.
  • Prato 2019 Themes included exploring potential solutions to the challenges medical selection faces from entrenched systems and expectations, as well as changing economies, societies and environments.
  • Online 2020 The impact of Covid-19 on university selection, recruitment and widening participation. An event summary can be found here.

For more information, contact the INReSH team at